Home Artists Claudius Fonda Fontaine on top of Alexis Rhodes - final!

Fonda Fontaine on top of Alexis Rhodes - final!

By Request from krylonblue: hi Claudius, draw Fonda Fontaine on top of Alexis Rhodes in this position: https://img2.rule34.us/images/ed/c9/edc988465c51c8706e9c21d11b59a857.jpeg Fonda and Alexis reference: https://postimg.cc/rz54ZFJM

Characters: Fonda Fontaine, Alexis Rhodes,

Tags: Yu-gi-oh, Lesbian,

16 February 2024
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  • Claudius: with colors! :)
    15 Mar 2024 09:03
  • claudius@animepixxx.com: colors today!
    13 Mar 2024 10:47
  • Claudius: B&W colors very soon!
    4 Mar 2024 07:26
  • krylonblue: ok @Claudius, no problem 🙂
    3 Mar 2024 05:56
  • claudius@animepixxx.com: @krylonblue ok my friend, i m sorry about the delay!
    2 Mar 2024 15:25
  • krylonblue: hey @Claudius i think you forgot to make my request 😕, could you make it plz?
    1 Mar 2024 06:54