Home Artists Claudius neo post in progresss

neo post in progresss

4 January 2024
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  • Natsu_Strauss: @Claudius I had a feeling about your inactivity, so that was it ... Take care of yourself and get well soon (good luck to you too)
    6 Jan 2024 15:12
  • konan541: Hey, no luck, I would insult the spider but I like these beasts 😅,courage, recovered well 😉🙂
    6 Jan 2024 13:38
  • claudius@animepixxx.com: Hey friends, bad news, days ago, I was looking for an object of mine in a box with several things, and I was bitten by a spidery spider on one of my fingers on my right hand, at first everything was fine, but after 5 days, the finger It created a horrible wound, with unbearable pain, I can't work properly, but I bought a great medicine, which is expelling the poison and the pain from the finger, I believe that in a few days I will be fine! I ask everyone for patience!😓
    6 Jan 2024 12:23