Home Artists Claudius Scalded Fairy Cat !!!

Scalded Fairy Cat !!!

By Request from Natsu_Strauss: http://www.coverporn.com/hot-guys-fuck-2-guys-2-girls --------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐--------- (The first image that appears on the top of the page by going to the link) --------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐--------- Lisanna Strauss with two black guys - with two big BBCs - (the hands of the one who penetrates her pussy on Lisanna's hips, not on her ass), the one who penetrates her wears a condom (clearly visible), and we see some drop of cum coming out of the condom, which splashes both of them (Lisanna and the one penetrating her) and the second is not sitting next to them but standing up, Lisanna sucks his cock (deepthroat) with two little hearts roses instead of pupils (if it's not impossible to do, it would be nice to see the heads of the two black guys in addition to their bodies and Lisanna. --------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐--------- And finally, last little details (this is why I wanted the hands of the first not to be on his ass) on his left buttock (so on the right from Lisanna's point of view) a visible tattoo saying ” All (top) ♠️ (middle) welcome (bottom) ” - ” All ♠️ welcome ” - and on the second buttock (therefore the last one) a last tattoo indicating ” Only 1 (in top) then Natsu's head (middle) then VIP (bottom) - Only 1 VIP - --------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐--------- Please, Claudius ! ? ? --------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐-----------------------------‐--------- ???? ???? ????, ?? ???? ?? ??? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ?? ???????????? (???? 27/28, ? ??????? ? ) ?? ?????'? ???? ??????? ?? ??? ?

Characters: Lisanna Strauss,

Tags: Fairy Tail, Threesome,

19 May 2022
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  • Natsu_Strauss: Yes, maybe I should have tried to find a link with tattoos similar to the ones I wanted, written details are not always enough ... ?
    6 Jun 2022 13:08
  • Claudius: Hello Natsu, I made some additions to the image, but because I don't understand the details for the tattoos, I don't add, maybe it wouldn't please you, the way I did, in your next request, we try to do ok, I hope you won't be disappointed with me ok.
    6 Jun 2022 04:48
  • Natsu_Strauss: Ah, yes, sorry.. In fact, when I mentioned Natsu, I meant that he had to be part of the second tattoo (his head drawn the size of a tattoo which instead of fitting on one of the two Lisanna's buttocks with the scriptures mentioned with the tattoo) Sorry for not being clearer in my query (and also sorry for the wait with my response, I didn't think you could respond so quickly)
    30 May 2022 08:02
  • claudius@animepixxx.com: hi, many things I couldn't understand clearly, example: you mentioned Natsu!!! but he doesn't appear in the scene, and I don't understand where it should be tatoo, please in the future, make the request more simple.
    30 May 2022 02:49
  • claudius@animepixxx.com: hi natsu, today!
    30 May 2022 00:54
  • Natsu_Strauss: Update next week ?
    29 May 2022 22:01
  • Natsu_Strauss: No problem, Claudius, and thanks again
    20 May 2022 22:24
  • claudius@animepixxx.com: Hi Natsu, give some days, I ll update your request ok?
    20 May 2022 16:28
  • Natsu_Strauss: Thank you, Claudius ! ? -- -- I don't know if the details are still being finalized, but the pic is missing several details, the drops of cum coming out of the condom, the hand(s) isn't on her ass but higher up (on her back) and the two tattoos (1 on one of the buttocks : this one " All ♠ welcome " and on the 2nd buttock, this one " Only 1 (top of the tattoo), Natsu's head small (below of the " Only 1 " of the tattoo) then " VIP " (below Natsu's head) -- -- If it's really not poss...
    ssible to add these details or it's too difficult to put them, I'll settle for what has already been done .. ? (?? ??????? ?? ? ??? ?? ????? ??? ????'? ???????, ? ???? ???? ?'? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ... ? )
    20 May 2022 11:36