Home Artists Claudius ShininForce 2 Ancient Sealing cameela - colorr will be update tng

ShininForce 2 Ancient Sealing cameela - colorr will be update tng

16 December 2020
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  • BladeBreaker: I know you've been very busy, but can you finish coloring Cameela? Here's a pic to show you her skin color and nipple color. Thanks again! https://holly.paheal.net/_images/b56f19b0c5879451952280c181afe868/1218163%20-%20Baldur%27s_Gate%20Cameela%20Dark_Elf%20Shining_Force%20Shining_Force_II%20Viconia_DeVir%20crossover%20drow.png
    30 Jan 2021 11:32
  • BladeBreaker: Hey Claudius, when will Cameela be finished?
    20 Jan 2021 03:21