Home Artists Claudius Viva la Garcias : Selen Garcia

Viva la Garcias : Selen Garcia

By Request from 7SinsOmen: I was thinking something rather simple. Selen Garcia (from Beyblade Shogun Steel), sitting on a bed, legs crossed while looking at the watcher. Maybe have her blue coat half taken off, hands still in sleeves while coat itself is laying on the bed behind her with her light lavender undershirt. Just a idea. It took a while, but managed to get screenshot of her outfit from the show. [Link: https://sta.sh/0xolf113hp4] Alternatively, her younger self from Beyblade Metal Masters works too.

18 March 2021
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  • 7SinsOmen: Looking forward for it.
    20 Mar 2021 16:03
    18 Mar 2021 22:45