Varla Guns (The House of the Dead : Overkill) with Samus Aran (Metroid Prime) like this : &gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoHCCMQ6gIQJzoECAAQAzoICAAQgAQQsQM6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOgUIABCABDoECAAQHjoGCAAQBRAeOgUIABCiBDoGCAAQCBAeUNwIWI5ZYPFfaAZwAHgAgAFziAGMDJIBBDE1LjSYAQCg AQGwAQU&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img#imgrc =LbUXaZTpytNl5M (if possible, we see both pairs of legs in full) They make the sign of the heart with their hands (each of them makes a part of the heart with one of their hands, as for when we salute by making this sign when we make a selfie βοΈ but instead this sign there π«Ά as indicated above in the description of this request) they playfully stick their tongues out with a wink towards the lens (and on the part of the pic where their legs are against each other : a tattoo on the thigh of the character on the left -> " Men's " and another tattoo on the thigh of the character on the right - to complete the assembly - (the leg of the character on the right which is against that of the character on the left) -> " Cock " (without the quotes, of course π )
From: Natsu_Strauss
To Artist: Claudius